
TEDxSanaa soon in Yemen, truly a dream come true

TEDxSanaa soon in Yemen, truly a dream come true

    Patsy& William
    My story with TED started in 2009, I was always inspired by the talks that I watched on TED. On 2010 TEDxCairo was launched and I was impressed because I’ve never seen Arabs talk the “TED way” before. I watched every single talk and each one added something into my life, so I decided to look for TEDxBeirut because I wanted to be a part of it. I found Patsy, the woman who I believe is a TEDaholic. She watched all TED talks, and she was behind TEDxGreenBeirut and TEDxSKE  and that’s when she invited me to attend TEDxSKE. We met in the living room in her house where she and her husband usually invite people to watch TED talks, a cozy house full of love and where the couple’s smiles make you believe that good people still do exist <3 . I was very surprised and impressed that she invited me to attend even though she didn’t know me and I went there many times.  I was an entirely different person back then; I was shy and still didn't know what I wanted in this life. After that I was honored to be a TEDxBeirut member. My life changed so quickly and I genuinely believe that TED talks & TEDxBeirut experience had something to do with that change.

    The Arab spring started and my life was turned upside down, my personality shifted to a different level  and it made me who I am today.
    I’m sharing my story with you because I strongly believe that an inspirational speech or just a few words by someone can directly or indirectly change your life. My dream was to hear “TED talks” by Yemenis to know how they could make a difference and overcome all obstacles. My dream will finally become true.
    TEDxSanaa is coming soon,
    Don’t miss it!

    TEDxSanaa on Twitter: @tedxsanaa
    Dory Aleryani
    @مرسلة بواسطة
    يمنية من بلد الملكة بلقيس و أروى. اؤمن بالمرأة اليمنية و أتمنى ان أرى اليوم الذي تحكم فيه من جديد. لي ارائي الخاصه التي قد لا يتقبلها المجتمع، شغفي بالسياسة بدأ مع الثورات و تبين لي بأن السياسة تجري في دمي بالوراثه. اؤمن بالإنسانيه ولا يفرق معي دينك أو بلدك و اؤمن بحق كل انسان في الحياة و الكرامة. ..أحب الفكاهه و يقول البعض ان "دمي خفيف"..طبعا لو فتحت المجال لأصف نفسي فلن اتوقف..لذلك اكتفي بهذا القدر :)