
Government facilities without Qat..the first step to a bigger Dream

Government facilities without Qat..the first step to a bigger Dream
    Our Future without Qat

    Why Qat?

    • Qat is a drug of abuse that can produce mild to moderate psychological dependence- by the World Health Organization.
    • Qat's physical symptoms can include high blood pressure, tooth decay, constipation, hemorrhoids, hallucinations and depression.
    •  The capital city Sanaa is predicted to become the first in the world to run out of water, but the cultivation of qat - the least taxed, most subsidized and fastest-growing cash crop in Yemen - consumes 40 percent of irrigated farming land.
    • 15-20% of children under the age of 12 chew qat every day, according to the World Bank.

    Why we want a law to ban Qat in government facilities?
    • If the law was passed it would send an immediate and clear message to all Yemenis that Qat chewing is neither acceptable nor appropriate in the world of work.
    • It will bring hope to those who have been fighting Qat for years.
    • It will make those who have ideas to solve the problem show up and say what is in their minds.
    • It will open the door to another goal.

    What we have done so far:

    School in Hudidah
    • Drafted a law for banning Qat in government offices.
    • Awareness about the campaign in Government offices"Sanaa, Aden, Taiz, Hudidah, Dhamar, Ibb, Mukalla"
    • Awareness in schools"Taiz, Hudidah..the rest are coming soon".
    • Contacting MPs."the number of MPs who are supporting the campaign are getting more every day."
    School in Taiz

    Time for social revolution

    Our campaign on the media:

    Interview on BBC Radio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rufOY9n08zE

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    Dory Aleryani
    @مرسلة بواسطة
    يمنية من بلد الملكة بلقيس و أروى. اؤمن بالمرأة اليمنية و أتمنى ان أرى اليوم الذي تحكم فيه من جديد. لي ارائي الخاصه التي قد لا يتقبلها المجتمع، شغفي بالسياسة بدأ مع الثورات و تبين لي بأن السياسة تجري في دمي بالوراثه. اؤمن بالإنسانيه ولا يفرق معي دينك أو بلدك و اؤمن بحق كل انسان في الحياة و الكرامة. ..أحب الفكاهه و يقول البعض ان "دمي خفيف"..طبعا لو فتحت المجال لأصف نفسي فلن اتوقف..لذلك اكتفي بهذا القدر :)